Omnivision Commercializes World’s Smallest Pixel In New 200MP Image Sensor

Omnivision, a global developer of semiconductor solutions,including advanced digital imaging, analog, and touch & display technology,today announces the OVB0A, one of the world's smallest 200MP image sensors,with a pixel size of just 0.56 µm. The OVB0A is designed for rear-facing(wide-angle) main cameras in high-end smartphones. With its unique 16-cellbinning capability, the OVB0A image sensor delivers the best low-lightperformance in its class. It also features 100% quad phase detection (QPD) forsuperior autofocus.
“We have not compromised high performance with the smallerdie size of the OVB0A image sensor. In fact, OVB0A's 0.56 µm pixel is not onlythe first in the world smaller than the wavelength of red light, but its QPDand quantum efficiency (QE) performances also mirror those of our 0.61µm pixel-basedOVB0B image sensor in the visible light range,” states Arun Jayaseelan, seniorproduct marketing manager, OMNIVISION. “Leveraging our PureCel®Plus-Sstacked-die technology, we can maintain extremely high resolution in thesmaller 0.56µm pixel size, packing 200M pixels into a 1/1.4-inch optical formfactor.”
The OVB0A sensor's selective conversion gain attains theoptimum balance between low-light image quality and high dynamic range (HDR).This allows smartphone OEMs to optimize HDR performance for contrasting lightand dark areas in any scene. The image sensor also utilizes 16-cell binning toachieve premium video capture of 12.5MP/4K at 120 frames per second (fps). Itachieves 12.5MP/4K at 60fps with 2-exposure staggered HDR timing; an on-chipremosaic function enables 8K video and 2X crop zoom (with HDR) at 12.5MP.

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